▼Neftcamb_abstract_model | This module contains the abstract definition of all the places where EFTCAMB interacts with CAMB. All EFTCAMB models should inherit from this class or the two derived classes contained in 06p2_abstract_EFTCAMB_full.f90 or 06p3_abstract_EFTCAMB_designer.f90 |
CEFTCAMBModelAllocateModelSelection | Subroutine that reads the parameters of the model from file |
CEFTCAMBModelBackgroundEFTFunctions | Subroutine that computes the value of the background EFT functions at a given time |
CEFTCAMBModelComputeAdotoa | Subroutine that computes adotoa = H and its two derivatives wrt conformal time |
CEFTCAMBModelComputeDtauda | Function that computes dtauda = 1/sqrt(a^2H^2) |
CEFTCAMBModelComputeHubbleDer | Subroutine that computes the two derivatives wrt conformal time of H |
CEFTCAMBModelFeedback | Subroutine that prints on the screen feedback information about the model |
CEFTCAMBModelInitModelParametersFromFile | Subroutine that reads the parameters of the model from file |
CEFTCAMBModelSecondOrderEFTFunctions | Subroutine that computes the value of the second order EFT functions at a given time |
▼Neftcamb_abstract_parametrizations_1d | This module contains the abstract class for generic parametrizations for 1D functions that are used by several models in EFTCAMB. When there is a free function in EFT it should be declared as a class inheriting from parametrized_function_1D |
CParametrizedFunction1DFirstDerivative | Function that returns the value of the first derivative of the function with respect to the scale factor. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction1DInitParams | Subroutine that reads a Ini file looking for the parameters of the function |
CParametrizedFunction1DIntegral | Function that returns the integral of the function, as defined in the notes. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction1DParameterValues | Subroutine that returns the value of the function i-th parameter |
CParametrizedFunction1DSecondDerivative | Function that returns the value of the second derivative of the function with respect to the scale factor. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction1DThirdDerivative | Function that returns the value of the third derivative of the function with respect to the scale factor. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction1DValue | Function that returns the value of the function. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
▼Neftcamb_abstract_parametrizations_2d | This module contains the abstract class for generic parametrizations for 2D functions that are used by several models in EFTCAMB. When there is a free function in EFT it should be declared as a class inheriting from parametrized_function_2D |
CParametrizedFunction2DFirstDerivativeX | Function that returns the value of the first partial derivative of the function with respect to the first variable. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction2DFirstDerivativeY | Function that returns the value of the first partial derivative of the function with respect to the second variable. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction2DInitParams | Subroutine that reads a Ini file looking for the parameters of the function |
CParametrizedFunction2DParameterValues | Subroutine that returns the value of the function i-th parameter |
CParametrizedFunction2DSecondDerivativeX | Function that returns the value of the second partial derivative of the function with respect to the first variable. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction2DSecondDerivativeXY | Function that returns the value of the mixed partial derivative of the function with respect to the first and second variable. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction2DSecondDerivativeY | Function that returns the value of the second partial derivative of the function with respect to the second variable. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
CParametrizedFunction2DValue | Function that returns the value of the function. The EFTCAMB cache is passed as an optional argument in case the parametrization uses some background quantity |
▼Neftcamb_cache | This module contains the definition of the EFTCAMB caches. These are used to store parameters that can be used by EFTCAMB, in EFTCAMB_parameter_cache or are used to store partial results when solving the time evolution of perturbations, in EFTCAMB_timestep_cache |
CNu_drho_Wrapper | Wrapper to the subroutine that computes the time derivative of the background massive neutrinos density |
CNu_pidot_Wrapper | Wrapper to the function that computes the background massive neutrinos time derivative of pressure |
CNu_pidotdot_Wrapper | Wwrapper to the function that computes the background massive neutrinos second time derivative of pressure |
CNu_rho_Wrapper | Wrapper to the subroutine that computes the background massive neutrinos density |