47 public eftcamb_fr_designer
52 type,
extends ( eftcamb_designer_model ) :: eftcamb_fr_designer
61 class( parametrized_function_1d ),
allocatable :: desfrwde
64 type(equispaced_linear_interpolate_function_1d) :: eftomega
65 type(equispaced_linear_interpolate_function_1d) :: eftlambda
68 integer :: designer_num_points = 1000
69 real(dl) :: x_initial = log(10._dl**(-8._dl))
70 real(dl) :: x_final = 0.0_dl
75 procedure :: read_model_selection => eftcambdesignerfrreadmodelselectionfromfile
76 procedure :: allocate_model_selection => eftcambdesignerfrallocatemodelselection
77 procedure :: init_model_parameters => eftcambdesignerfrinitmodelparameters
78 procedure :: init_model_parameters_from_file => eftcambdesignerfrinitmodelparametersfromfile
81 procedure :: initialize_background => eftcambdesignerfrinitbackground
82 procedure :: solve_designer_equations => eftcambdesignerfrsolvedesignerequations
83 procedure :: find_initial_conditions => eftcambdesignerfrfindinitialconditions
86 procedure :: compute_param_number => eftcambdesignerfrcomputeparametersnumber
87 procedure :: feedback => eftcambdesignerfrfeedback
88 procedure :: parameter_names => eftcambdesignerfrparameternames
89 procedure :: parameter_names_latex => eftcambdesignerfrparameternameslatex
90 procedure :: parameter_values => eftcambdesignerfrparametervalues
93 procedure :: compute_background_eft_functions => eftcambdesignerfrbackgroundeftfunctions
94 procedure :: compute_secondorder_eft_functions => eftcambdesignerfrsecondordereftfunctions
95 procedure :: compute_dtauda => eftcambdesignerfrcomputedtauda
96 procedure :: compute_adotoa => eftcambdesignerfrcomputeadotoa
97 procedure :: compute_h_derivs => eftcambdesignerfrcomputehubbleder
100 procedure :: additional_model_stability => eftcambdesignerfradditionalmodelstability
102 end type eftcamb_fr_designer
110 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrreadmodelselectionfromfile( self, Ini )
114 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
115 type(tinifile) :: ini
118 self%EFTwDE = ini_read_int_file( ini,
'EFTwDE', 0 )
120 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrreadmodelselectionfromfile
124 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrallocatemodelselection( self )
128 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
129 character,
dimension(:) :: param_names
130 character,
dimension(:) :: param_names_latex
133 if (
allocated(self%DesfRwDE) )
134 select case ( self%EFTwDE )
136 allocate( wde_lcdm_parametrization_1d::self%DesfRwDE )
138 allocate( constant_parametrization_1d::self%DesfRwDE )
140 allocate( cpl_parametrization_1d::self%DesfRwDE )
141 call self%DesfRwDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTwa'], [
'w_a'] )
143 allocate( jbp_parametrization_1d::self%DesfRwDE )
144 call self%DesfRwDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTwn'], [
'n ' ] )
146 allocate( turning_point_parametrization_1d::self%DesfRwDE )
147 call self%DesfRwDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTw0 ',
'EFTwa ',
'EFTwat'], [
'a_t'] )
149 allocate( taylor_parametrization_1d::self%DesfRwDE )
150 call self%DesfRwDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTw3'], [
'w_3'] )
152 write(*,
'No model corresponding to EFTwDE =', self%EFTwDE
153 write(*,
'Please select an appropriate model.' 157 call self%DesfRwDE%set_name(
'w' )
159 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrallocatemodelselection
163 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrinitmodelparameters( self, array )
167 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
168 real(dl),
intent(in) :: array
169 real(dl),
dimension(self%parameter_number -1) :: temp
174 do i = 1, self%parameter_number -1
177 call self%DesfRwDE%init_parameters(temp)
179 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrinitmodelparameters
183 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrinitmodelparametersfromfile( self, Ini )
187 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
188 type(tinifile) :: ini
191 self%B0 = ini_read_double_file( ini,
'EFTB0', 0._dl )
193 call self%DesfRwDE%init_from_file( ini )
195 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrinitmodelparametersfromfile
199 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrinitbackground( self, params_cache, feedback_level, success )
203 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
204 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(in) :: params_cache
205 integer ,
intent(in) :: feedback_level
206 logical ,
intent(out) :: success
208 real(dl) :: a_ini, b0
209 real(dl) :: tempmin, tempmax, debug_a
210 integer :: debug_maxnum, debug_n
213 if ( feedback_level>0 )
then 214 write(*,
"***************************************************************" 215 write(*,
' EFTCAMB designer f(R) background solver' 220 call self%EFTOmega%initialize ( self%designer_num_points, self%x_initial, self%x_final )
221 call self%EFTLambda%initialize ( self%designer_num_points, self%x_initial, self%x_final )
226 call createtxtfile(
'./debug_designer_fR_B.dat', 34 )
227 print*,
'EFTCAMB DEBUG ( f(R) designer ): Printing B(A) results' 231 do debug_n = 1, debug_maxnum
232 debug_a = tempmin +
233 call self%solve_designer_equations( params_cache, debug_a, b0, only_b0=.true., success=success )
234 write(34,*) debug_a, b0
238 print*,
'EFTCAMB DEBUG ( f(R) designer ): Printing F(R) results' 239 call createtxtfile(
'./debug_designer_fR_solution.dat', 33 )
241 call self%solve_designer_equations( params_cache, debug_a, b0, only_b0=.false., success=success )
246 call self%find_initial_conditions( params_cache, feedback_level, a_ini, success )
249 call self%solve_designer_equations( params_cache, a_ini, b0, only_b0=.false., success=success )
251 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrinitbackground
255 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrsolvedesignerequations( self, params_cache, A, B0, only_B0, success )
259 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
260 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(in) :: params_cache
261 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
262 real(dl),
intent(out) :: b0
263 logical ,
optional :: only_b0
264 logical ,
intent(out) :: success
266 integer,
parameter :: num_eq = 2
268 real(dl) :: omegam_eft, omegavac_eft, omegamassivenu_eft, omegagamma_eft, omeganu_eft
269 real(dl) :: omegarad_eft, equivalencescale_fr, ratio_fr, initial_b_fr, initial_c_fr
270 real(dl) :: pplus, yplus, coeffa_part, ystar, x
272 real(dl) :: y(num_eq), ydot(num_eq)
274 integer :: itol, itask, istate, iopt, lrn, lrs, lrw, lis, lin, liw, jacobianmode, i
275 real(dl) :: rtol, atol, t1, t2, b
276 real(dl),
allocatable :: rwork(:)
277 integer,
allocatable :: iwork(:)
280 if ( .not.
present(only_b0) ) only_b0 = .false.
283 omegam_eft = params_cache%omegab + params_cache%omegac
284 omegavac_eft = params_cache%omegav
285 omegamassivenu_eft = params_cache%omegan
286 omegagamma_eft = params_cache%omegag
287 omeganu_eft = params_cache%omegar
289 omegarad_eft = omegagamma_eft + omeganu_eft
291 equivalencescale_fr = (omegarad_eft+ omegamassivenu_eft)/omegam_eft
292 ratio_fr = equivalencescale_fr/exp( self%x_initial )
295 initial_b_fr = (7._dl + 8._dl*ratio_fr)/(2._dl*(1._dl + ratio_fr))
296 initial_c_fr = -3._dl/(2._dl*(1._dl + ratio_fr))
297 pplus = 0.5_dl*(-initial_b_fr + sqrt(initial_b_fr**2 - 4._dl*initial_c_fr))
298 yplus = exp(pplus*self%x_initial)
300 coeffa_part = (-6._dl*initial_c_fr)/(-3._dl*exp(self%x_initial)*self%DesfRwDE%first_derivative( exp(self%x_initial) )&
301 & +9._dl*self%DesfRwDE%value( exp(self%x_initial) )**2&
302 & +(18._dl-3._dl*initial_b_fr)*self%DesfRwDE%value( exp(self%x_initial) )&
303 & +9._dl -3._dl*initial_b_fr +initial_c_fr)
304 ystar = coeffa_part*omegavac_eft*exp(-2._dl*self%x_initial)*self%DesfRwDE%integral( exp(self%x_initial) )
308 y(1) = a*yplus + ystar
309 y(2) = pplus*a*yplus - 3._dl*( 1._dl+ self%DesfRwDE%value(exp(self%x_initial)) )*ystar
323 lrs = 22 + 9*num_eq + num_eq**2
346 t1 = self%EFTOmega%x(1)
348 if ( .not. only_b0 )
then 349 call output( num_eq, 1, t1, y, b0 )
353 do i=1, self%EFTOmega%num_points-1
356 t1 = self%EFTOmega%x(i)
357 t2 = self%EFTOmega%x(i+1)
359 call dlsoda ( derivs, num_eq, y, t1, t2, itol, rtol, atol, itask, istate, iopt, rwork, lrw, iwork, liw, jacobian, jacobianmode)
361 if ( istate < 0 )
then 366 if ( .not. only_b0 )
then 367 call output( num_eq, i+1, t2, y, b0 )
374 call output( num_eq, self%EFTOmega%num_points, t2, y, b0 )
383 subroutine derivs( num_eq, x, y, ydot )
387 integer ,
intent(in) :: num_eq
388 real(dl),
intent(in) :: x
389 real(dl),
intent(in) ,
dimension(num_eq) :: y
390 real(dl),
dimension(num_eq) :: ydot
392 real(dl) :: a, eft_e_gfun, eft_e_gfunp, eft_e_gfunpp, eft_e_gfunppp
393 real(dl) :: rhonu_tot, presnu_tot, presnudot_tot, presnudotdot_tot
394 real(dl) :: eft_e_nu, eft_ep_nu, eft_epp_nu, eft_e3p_nu, rhonu, presnu, grhormass_t
395 real(dl) :: efunction, efunprime, adotoa, hdot, presnudot, presnudotdot
396 real(dl) :: efunprime2, efunprime3
403 eft_e_gfun = -(log( self%DesfRwDE%integral(a) ) -2._dl*x)/3._dl
404 eft_e_gfunp = 1._dl +self%DesfRwDE%value(a)
405 eft_e_gfunpp = exp(x)*self%DesfRwDE%first_derivative(a)
406 eft_e_gfunppp = exp(x)*self%DesfRwDE%first_derivative(a) +exp(2._dl*x)*self%DesfRwDE%second_derivative(a)
414 if ( params_cache%Num_Nu_Massive /= 0)
then 415 do nu_i = 1, params_cache%Nu_mass_eigenstates
419 grhormass_t= params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**2
420 call params_cache%Nu_background(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),rhonu,presnu)
421 rhonu_tot = rhonu_tot + grhormass_t*rhonu
422 presnu_tot = presnu_tot + grhormass_t*presnu
424 eft_e_nu = eft_e_nu + params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/3._dl/a**4/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*rhonu
425 eft_ep_nu = eft_ep_nu - params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)
431 efunction = +omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
432 & +omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
433 & +omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun) + eft_e_nu
434 efunprime = -4._dl*omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
435 & -3._dl*omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
436 & -3._dl*omegavac_eft*eft_e_gfunp*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun) +eft_ep_nu
441 presnudot_tot = 0._dl
442 presnudotdot_tot = 0._dl
447 if ( params_cache%Num_Nu_Massive /= 0 )
then 448 do nu_i = 1, params_cache%Nu_mass_eigenstates
450 adotoa = +a*params_cache%h0_Mpc*sqrt(efunction)
451 hdot = +0.5_dl*params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*a**2*efunprime +adotoa**2
458 grhormass_t = params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**2
460 call params_cache%Nu_background(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),rhonu,presnu)
461 presnudot = params_cache%Nu_pidot(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),adotoa,presnu)
462 presnudotdot = params_cache%Nu_pidotdot(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),adotoa,hdot,presnu,presnudot)
464 rhonu_tot = rhonu_tot + grhormass_t*rhonu
465 presnu_tot = presnu_tot + grhormass_t*presnu
466 presnudot_tot = presnudot_tot + grhormass_t*(presnudot -4._dl*adotoa*presnu)
467 presnudotdot_tot = presnudotdot_tot + grhormass_t*(presnudotdot &
468 & -8._dl*adotoa*presnudot +4._dl*presnu*(+4._dl*adotoa**2-hdot))
470 eft_e_nu = eft_e_nu + params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/3._dl/a**4/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*rhonu
471 eft_ep_nu = eft_ep_nu - params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)
472 eft_epp_nu = eft_epp_nu + 3._dl/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)&
473 & -grhormass_t*(presnudot -4._dl*adotoa*presnu)/params_cache%h0_Mpc**3/sqrt(efunction)/a**3
474 eft_e3p_nu = eft_e3p_nu -9._dl/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)&
475 & +(3._dl/adotoa/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**2+hdot/adotoa**3/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**2)&
476 &*grhormass_t*(presnudot -4._dl*adotoa*presnu)&
477 & -grhormass_t*(presnudotdot &
478 & -8._dl*adotoa*presnudot +4._dl*presnu*(+4._dl*adotoa**2-hdot))/adotoa**2/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**2
482 efunprime2 = 16._dl*omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
483 & +9._dl*omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
484 & -3._dl*omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)*(eft_e_gfunpp -3._dl*eft_e_gfunp**2) + eft_epp_nu
485 efunprime3 = -64._dl*omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
486 & -27._dl*omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
487 & -3._dl*omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)*&
488 &(eft_e_gfunppp-9._dl*eft_e_gfunp*eft_e_gfunpp+9._dl*eft_e_gfunp**3) + eft_e3p_nu
492 ydot(2) = (1._dl+0.5_dl*efunprime/efunction+(4._dl*efunprime2+efunprime3)/(4._dl*efunprime+efunprime2))*y(2) &
493 & -0.5_dl*(4._dl*efunprime+efunprime2)/efunction*y(1) &
494 & -3._dl*omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)*(4._dl*efunprime+efunprime2)/efunction
501 subroutine jacobian( num_eq, x, y, ml, mu, pd, nrowpd )
510 real(dl),
dimension(num_eq) :: y
511 real(dl),
dimension(nrowpd,num_eq) :: pd
513 end subroutine jacobian
518 subroutine output( num_eq, ind, x, y, B )
522 integer ,
intent(in) :: num_eq
523 integer ,
intent(in) :: ind
524 real(dl),
intent(in) :: x
525 real(dl),
intent(in) ,
dimension(num_eq) :: y
526 real(dl),
intent(out) :: b
528 real(dl) :: ydot(num_eq)
529 real(dl) :: a, eft_e_gfun, eft_e_gfunp, eft_e_gfunpp, eft_e_gfunppp
530 real(dl) :: rhonu_tot, presnu_tot, presnudot_tot, presnudotdot_tot
531 real(dl) :: eft_e_nu, eft_ep_nu, eft_epp_nu, eft_e3p_nu, rhonu, presnu, grhormass_t
532 real(dl) :: efunction, efunprime, adotoa, hdot, presnudot, presnudotdot
533 real(dl) :: efunprime2, efunprime3, ricci, f_sub_r, ede, edep, edepp
541 eft_e_gfun = -(log( self%DesfRwDE%integral(a) ) -2._dl*x)/3._dl
542 eft_e_gfunp = 1._dl +self%DesfRwDE%value(a)
543 eft_e_gfunpp = exp(x)*self%DesfRwDE%first_derivative(a)
544 eft_e_gfunppp = exp(x)*self%DesfRwDE%first_derivative(a) +exp(2._dl*x)*self%DesfRwDE%second_derivative(a)
552 if ( params_cache%Num_Nu_Massive /= 0)
then 553 do nu_i = 1, params_cache%Nu_mass_eigenstates
557 grhormass_t= params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**2
558 call params_cache%Nu_background(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),rhonu,presnu)
559 rhonu_tot = rhonu_tot + grhormass_t*rhonu
560 presnu_tot = presnu_tot + grhormass_t*presnu
562 eft_e_nu = eft_e_nu + params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/3._dl/a**4/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*rhonu
563 eft_ep_nu = eft_ep_nu - params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)
569 efunction = +omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
570 & +omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
571 & +omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun) + eft_e_nu
572 efunprime = -4._dl*omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
573 & -3._dl*omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
574 & -3._dl*omegavac_eft*eft_e_gfunp*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun) +eft_ep_nu
579 presnudot_tot = 0._dl
580 presnudotdot_tot = 0._dl
585 if ( params_cache%Num_Nu_Massive /= 0 )
then 586 do nu_i = 1, params_cache%Nu_mass_eigenstates
588 adotoa = +a*params_cache%h0_Mpc*sqrt(efunction)
589 hdot = +0.5_dl*params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*a**2*efunprime +adotoa**2
596 grhormass_t = params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**2
598 call params_cache%Nu_background(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),rhonu,presnu)
599 presnudot = params_cache%Nu_pidot(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),adotoa,presnu)
600 presnudotdot = params_cache%Nu_pidotdot(a*params_cache%nu_masses(nu_i),adotoa,hdot,presnu,presnudot)
602 rhonu_tot = rhonu_tot + grhormass_t*rhonu
603 presnu_tot = presnu_tot + grhormass_t*presnu
604 presnudot_tot = presnudot_tot + grhormass_t*(presnudot -4._dl*adotoa*presnu)
605 presnudotdot_tot = presnudotdot_tot + grhormass_t*(presnudotdot &
606 & -8._dl*adotoa*presnudot +4._dl*presnu*(+4._dl*adotoa**2-hdot))
608 eft_e_nu = eft_e_nu + params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/3._dl/a**4/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*rhonu
609 eft_ep_nu = eft_ep_nu - params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)
610 eft_epp_nu = eft_epp_nu + 3._dl/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)&
611 & -grhormass_t*(presnudot -4._dl*adotoa*presnu)/params_cache%h0_Mpc**3/sqrt(efunction)/a**3
612 eft_e3p_nu = eft_e3p_nu -9._dl/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*params_cache%grhormass(nu_i)/a**4*(rhonu +presnu)&
613 & +(3._dl/adotoa/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**2+hdot/adotoa**3/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**2)&
614 &*grhormass_t*(presnudot -4._dl*adotoa*presnu)&
615 & -grhormass_t*(presnudotdot &
616 & -8._dl*adotoa*presnudot +4._dl*presnu*(+4._dl*adotoa**2-hdot))/adotoa**2/params_cache%h0_Mpc**2/a**2
620 efunprime2 = 16._dl*omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
621 & +9._dl*omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
622 & -3._dl*omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)*(eft_e_gfunpp -3._dl*eft_e_gfunp**2) + eft_epp_nu
623 efunprime3 = -64._dl*omegarad_eft*exp(-4._dl*x)&
624 & -27._dl*omegam_eft*exp(-3._dl*x)&
625 & -3._dl*omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)*&
626 &(eft_e_gfunppp-9._dl*eft_e_gfunp*eft_e_gfunpp+9._dl*eft_e_gfunp**3) + eft_e3p_nu
629 ede = +omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)
630 edep = -3._dl*omegavac_eft*eft_e_gfunp*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)
631 edepp = -3._dl*omegavac_eft*exp(-3._dl*eft_e_gfun)*(eft_e_gfunpp -3._dl*eft_e_gfunp**2)
634 call derivs( num_eq, x, y, ydot )
637 ricci = 3._dl*(4._dl*efunction+efunprime)
638 f_sub_r = ydot(1)/3._dl/(4._dl*efunprime +efunprime2)
641 b = 2._dl/3._dl/(1._dl +f_sub_r)*1._dl/(4._dl*efunprime +efunprime2)*efunction/efunprime*&
642 &( ydot(2) -ydot(1)*(4._dl*efunprime2+efunprime3)/(4._dl*efunprime +efunprime2) )
645 self%EFTOmega%y(ind) = f_sub_r
646 self%EFTOmega%yp(ind) = exp(-x)/(6._dl*efunction*(efunprime2+4._dl*efunprime))*(-efunprime2*(6._dl*ede+y(1))&
647 &+efunprime*(ydot(1)-4._dl*(6._dl*ede +y(1)))+2._dl*efunction*ydot(1))
648 self%EFTOmega%ypp(ind) = exp(-2._dl*x)/(12._dl*efunction**2*(efunprime2+4._dl*efunprime))*&
649 &(efunprime*(efunprime*(24._dl*ede-ydot(1) +4._dl*y(1))-6._dl*efunction*(8._dl*edep +ydot(1)))&
650 &+efunprime2*(efunprime*(6._dl*ede +y(1))-12._dl*efunction*edep))
651 self%EFTOmega%yppp(ind) = exp(-3._dl*x)/(24._dl*efunction**3*(efunprime2+4._dl*efunprime))*&
652 &(2._dl*efunction*(efunprime2**2*(6._dl*ede+y(1))&
653 & +4._dl*efunprime**2*(18._dl*edep+6._dl*ede+2._dl*ydot(1) +y(1))&
654 & +efunprime*efunprime2*(18._dl*edep+30._dl*ede -ydot(1)+5._dl*y(1)))&
655 & +12._dl*efunction**2*(efunprime2*(-2._dl*edepp+4._dl*edep-ydot(1))&
656 & +efunprime*(-8._dl*edepp+16._dl*edep +ydot(1)))&
657 & +3._dl*efunprime**2*(efunprime*(ydot(1)-4._dl*(6._dl*ede +y(1)))-efunprime2*(6._dl*ede +y(1))))
658 self%EFTLambda%y(ind) = 0.5_dl*params_cache%h0_Mpc**2*( y(1) -f_sub_r*ricci )*exp(x)**2
659 self%EFTLambda%yp(ind) = -1.5_dl*params_cache%h0_Mpc**3*sqrt(efunction)*(exp(x)**4*self%EFTOmega%yp(ind)*(4._dl*efunction+efunprime))
662 inquire( unit=33, opened=is_open )
664 write (33,
'(20E15.5)') x, exp(x), ricci, y(1), &
665 & self%EFTOmega%y(ind), self%EFTOmega%yp(ind), self%EFTOmega%ypp(ind), self%EFTOmega%yppp(ind), self%EFTLambda%y(ind), self%EFTLambda%yp(ind),&
672 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrsolvedesignerequations
677 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrfindinitialconditions( self, params_cache, feedback_level, A_ini, success )
681 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
682 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(in) :: params_cache
683 integer ,
intent(in) :: feedback_level
684 real(dl) ,
intent(out) :: a_ini
685 logical ,
intent(out) :: success
687 real(dl) :: atemp1, atemp2, btemp1, btemp2, horizasyntb
688 real(dl) :: vertasynta, atemp3, atemp4, btemp3, btemp4, realap
700 atemp2 = 10._dl**
701 btemp1 = desfr_bfunca(atemp1)
702 btemp2 = desfr_bfunca(atemp2)
703 if (abs(btemp1-btemp2)/abs(atemp1-atemp2).lt.1.d-100)
exit 707 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' horizontal asymptote = ', horizasyntb
710 if ( abs(horizasyntb-self%B0)<1.d-15 )
then 718 call zbrac(desfr_bfunca,atemp1,atemp2,success,horizasyntb)
719 if (.not.success)
then 720 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' FAILURE of vertical asymptote bracketing' 725 vertasynta =
726 if (.not.success)
then 727 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' FAILURE of vertical asyntote finding' 731 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' vertical asymptote = ', vertasynta
735 atemp1 = vertasynta+10._dl**ind
736 atemp2 = vertasynta-10._dl**ind
737 btemp1 = desfr_bfunca(atemp1)
738 btemp2 = desfr_bfunca(atemp2)
739 if (btemp1*btemp2<0._dl)
exit 746 atemp3 = atemp3 + 10._dl**ind
747 atemp4 = atemp4 - 10._dl**ind
748 btemp3 = desfr_bfunca(atemp3)
749 btemp4 = desfr_bfunca(atemp4)
750 if ((btemp1-self%B0)*(btemp3-self%B0)<0.or.(btemp2-self%B0)*(btemp4-self%B0)<0)
exit 752 if ((btemp1-self%B0)*(btemp3-self%B0)<0.and.(btemp2-self%B0)*(btemp4-self%B0)<0)
then 753 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' FAILURE as the root seems to be on both sides' 758 if ((btemp1-self%B0)*(btemp3-self%B0)<0)
then 759 realap =
760 if (.not.success)
then 761 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' FAILURE right side solution not found' 764 else if ((btemp2-self%B0)*(btemp4-self%B0)<0)
then 765 realap =
766 if (.not.success)
then 767 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' FAILURE left side solution not found' 771 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' FAILURE the root was not on the right side nor the left one...' 775 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' initial condition A = ', realap
778 btemp1 = desfr_bfunca(realap)
779 if ( feedback_level>1 )
then 780 write(*,
' B0 found = ', btemp1
781 write(*,
' B0 given = ', self%B0
784 if (abs(btemp1-self%B0)/abs(self%B0)>0.1_dl.and.abs(btemp1-self%B0)>1.d-8.and..false.)
then 785 if ( feedback_level>1 )
' FAILURE designer code unable to find appropriate initial conditions' 799 function desfr_bfunca(A)
804 real(dl) :: desfr_bfunca
807 call self%solve_designer_equations( params_cache, a, b0, only_b0=.true., success=success )
813 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrfindinitialconditions
817 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrcomputeparametersnumber( self )
821 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
823 self%parameter_number = 1
824 self%parameter_number = self%parameter_number +self%DesfRwDE%parameter_number
826 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrcomputeparametersnumber
830 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrfeedback( self, print_params )
834 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
835 logical,
optional :: print_params
839 write(*,
' Model = ', self%name
840 write(*,
' Number of params =' , self%parameter_number
842 if ( self%EFTwDE /= 0 )
then 844 write(*,
' EFTwDE =', self%EFTwDE
847 write(*,
' B0 =', self%B0
849 call self%DesfRwDE%feedback( print_params )
851 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrfeedback
855 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrparameternames( self, i, name )
859 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
860 integer ,
intent(in) :: i
861 character(*),
intent(out) :: name
864 if ( i<=0 .or. i>self%parameter_number )
then 865 write(*,
'EFTCAMB error: no parameter corresponding to number ', i
866 write(*,
'Total number of parameters is ', self%parameter_number
867 call mpistop(
'EFTCAMB error')
869 else if ( i==1 )
then 874 call self%DesfRwDE%parameter_names( i-1, name )
878 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrparameternames
882 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrparameternameslatex( self, i, latexname )
886 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
887 integer ,
intent(in) :: i
888 character(*),
intent(out) :: latexname
891 if ( i<=0 .or. i>self%parameter_number )
then 892 write(*,
'EFTCAMB error: no parameter corresponding to number ', i
893 write(*,
'Total number of parameters is ', self%parameter_number
894 call mpistop(
'EFTCAMB error')
896 else if ( i==1 )
then 897 latexname = trim(
901 call self%DesfRwDE%parameter_names_latex( i-1, latexname )
905 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrparameternameslatex
909 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrparametervalues( self, i, value )
913 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
914 integer ,
intent(in) :: i
915 real(dl),
intent(out) ::
value 918 if ( i<=0 .or. i>self%parameter_number )
then 919 write(*,
'EFTCAMB error: no parameter corresponding to number ', i
920 write(*,
'Total number of parameters is ', self%parameter_number
921 call mpistop(
'EFTCAMB error')
923 else if ( i==1 )
then 928 call self%DesfRwDE%parameter_value( i-1,
value )
932 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrparametervalues
936 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrbackgroundeftfunctions( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
940 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
941 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
942 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
943 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
949 call self%EFTOmega%precompute(x, ind, mu )
951 eft_cache%EFTOmegaV = self%EFTOmega%value( x, index=ind, coeff=mu )
952 eft_cache%EFTOmegaP = self%EFTOmega%first_derivative( x, index=ind, coeff=mu )
953 eft_cache%EFTOmegaPP = self%EFTOmega%second_derivative( x, index=ind, coeff=mu )
954 eft_cache%EFTOmegaPPP = self%EFTOmega%third_derivative( x, index=ind, coeff=mu )
955 eft_cache%EFTc = 0._dl
956 eft_cache%EFTLambda = self%EFTLambda%value( x, index=ind, coeff=mu )
957 eft_cache%EFTcdot = 0._dl
958 eft_cache%EFTLambdadot = self%EFTLambda%first_derivative( x, index=ind, coeff=mu )
960 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrbackgroundeftfunctions
964 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrsecondordereftfunctions( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
968 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
969 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
970 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
971 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
973 eft_cache%EFTGamma1V = 0._dl
974 eft_cache%EFTGamma1P = 0._dl
975 eft_cache%EFTGamma2V = 0._dl
976 eft_cache%EFTGamma2P = 0._dl
977 eft_cache%EFTGamma3V = 0._dl
978 eft_cache%EFTGamma3P = 0._dl
979 eft_cache%EFTGamma4V = 0._dl
980 eft_cache%EFTGamma4P = 0._dl
981 eft_cache%EFTGamma4PP = 0._dl
982 eft_cache%EFTGamma5V = 0._dl
983 eft_cache%EFTGamma5P = 0._dl
984 eft_cache%EFTGamma6V = 0._dl
985 eft_cache%EFTGamma6P = 0._dl
987 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrsecondordereftfunctions
992 function eftcambdesignerfrcomputedtauda( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
996 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
997 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
998 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
999 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
1001 real(dl) :: eftcambdesignerfrcomputedtauda
1005 temp = eft_cache%grhoa2 +eft_par_cache%grhov*a*a*self%DesfRwDE%integral(a)
1006 eftcambdesignerfrcomputedtauda = sqrt(3/temp)
1008 end function eftcambdesignerfrcomputedtauda
1012 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrcomputeadotoa( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
1016 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
1017 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
1018 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
1019 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
1021 eft_cache%grhov_t = eft_par_cache%grhov*self%DesfRwDE%integral(a)
1022 eft_cache%adotoa = sqrt( ( eft_cache%grhom_t +eft_cache%grhov_t )/3._dl )
1024 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrcomputeadotoa
1028 subroutine eftcambdesignerfrcomputehubbleder( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
1032 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
1033 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
1034 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
1035 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
1037 eft_cache%gpiv_t = self%DesfRwDE%value(a)*eft_cache%grhov_t
1038 eft_cache%Hdot = -0.5_dl*( eft_cache%adotoa**2 +eft_cache%gpresm_t +eft_cache%gpiv_t )
1039 eft_cache%Hdotdot = eft_cache%adotoa*( ( eft_cache%grhob_t +eft_cache%grhoc_t)/6._dl +2._dl*( eft_cache%grhor_t +eft_cache%grhog_t)/3._dl ) &
1040 & +eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%grhov_t*( 1._dl/6._dl +self%DesfRwDE%value(a) +1.5_dl*self%DesfRwDE%value(a)**2 -0.5_dl*a*self%DesfRwDE%first_derivative(a) ) &
1041 & +eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%grhonu_tot/6._dl -0.5_dl*eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%gpinu_tot -0.5_dl*eft_cache%gpinudot_tot
1043 end subroutine eftcambdesignerfrcomputehubbleder
1047 function eftcambdesignerfradditionalmodelstability( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
1051 class(eftcamb_fr_designer) :: self
1052 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
1053 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
1054 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
1056 logical :: eftcambdesignerfradditionalmodelstability
1058 eftcambdesignerfradditionalmodelstability = .true.
1059 if ( self%DesfRwDE%value(a) > -1._dl/3._dl ) eftcambdesignerfradditionalmodelstability = .false.
1061 end function eftcambdesignerfradditionalmodelstability
This module contains the definition of the constant parametrization, inheriting from parametrized_fun...
This module contains the definition of the Taylor expansion parametrization, around a=0...
This module contains the class that can be used for 1D linearly interpolated functions on an equispac...
This module contains the definition of the EFTCAMB caches. These are used to store parameters that ca...
This module contains the definition of the turning point parametrization, inheriting from parametrize...
logical, parameter debugeftcamb
EFTCAMB debug flag.This will turn on printing of many things to aid debugging the code...
This module contains the abstract definition of all the places where EFTCAMB interacts with CAMB in c...
This module contains the definition of the CPL parametrization, inheriting from parametrized_function...
real(dl) function, public zbrent(func, x1, x2, tol, funcZero, succes)
Brent root finding algorithm: This is used to solve numerically the equation func=funcZero by means o...
This module contains the definition of neutral parametrizations that can be used when parametrized fu...
This module contains the definitions of all the EFTCAMB root finding algorithms.
This module contains the definitions of all the EFTCAMB compile time flags.
This module contains the definition of the generalized Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan (JBP) parametrization...
This module contains the abstract class for generic parametrizations for 1D functions that are used b...
This module contains the relevant code for designer f(R) models.
subroutine, public zbrac(func, x1, x2, succes, funcZero)
Bracketing subroutine: This subroutine does a outward search for the smallest intervall containing a ...