55 type,
extends ( eftcamb_designer_model ) :: eftcamb_rph
59 integer :: rphmasspmodel
60 integer :: rphkineticitymodel
61 integer :: rphbraidingmodel
62 integer :: rphtensormodel
65 class( parametrized_function_1d ),
allocatable :: rph_wde
66 class( parametrized_function_1d ),
allocatable :: rph_planckmass
67 class( parametrized_function_1d ),
allocatable :: rph_kineticity
68 class( parametrized_function_1d ),
allocatable :: rph_braiding
69 class( parametrized_function_1d ),
allocatable :: rph_tensor
74 procedure :: read_model_selection => eftcambrphreadmodelselectionfromfile
75 procedure :: allocate_model_selection => eftcambrphallocatemodelselection
76 procedure :: init_model_parameters => eftcambrphinitmodelparameters
77 procedure :: init_model_parameters_from_file => eftcambrphinitmodelparametersfromfile
79 procedure :: compute_param_number => eftcambrphcomputeparametersnumber
80 procedure :: feedback => eftcambrphfeedback
81 procedure :: parameter_names => eftcambrphparameternames
82 procedure :: parameter_names_latex => eftcambrphparameternameslatex
83 procedure :: parameter_values => eftcambrphparametervalues
85 procedure :: compute_background_eft_functions => eftcambrphbackgroundeftfunctions
86 procedure :: compute_secondorder_eft_functions => eftcambrphsecondordereftfunctions
87 procedure :: compute_dtauda => eftcambrphcomputedtauda
88 procedure :: compute_adotoa => eftcambrphcomputeadotoa
89 procedure :: compute_h_derivs => eftcambrphcomputehubbleder
91 procedure :: additional_model_stability => eftcambrphadditionalmodelstability
101 subroutine eftcambrphreadmodelselectionfromfile( self, Ini )
105 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
106 type(tinifile) :: ini
109 self%RPHwDE = ini_read_int_file( ini,
'RPHwDE' , 0 )
110 self%RPHmassPmodel = ini_read_int_file( ini,
'RPHmassPmodel' , 0 )
111 self%RPHkineticitymodel = ini_read_int_file( ini,
'RPHkineticitymodel', 0 )
112 self%RPHbraidingmodel = ini_read_int_file( ini,
'RPHbraidingmodel' , 0 )
113 self%RPHtensormodel = ini_read_int_file( ini,
'RPHtensormodel' , 0 )
115 end subroutine eftcambrphreadmodelselectionfromfile
119 subroutine eftcambrphallocatemodelselection( self )
123 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
126 if (
allocated(self%RPH_wDE) )
127 select case ( self%RPHwDE )
129 allocate( wde_lcdm_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_wDE )
131 allocate( constant_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_wDE )
133 allocate( cpl_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_wDE )
134 call self%RPH_wDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTwa'], [
'w_a'] )
136 allocate( jbp_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_wDE )
137 call self%RPH_wDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTwn'], [
'n ' ] )
139 allocate( turning_point_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_wDE )
140 call self%RPH_wDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTw0 ',
'EFTwa ',
'EFTwat'], [
'a_t'] )
142 allocate( taylor_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_wDE )
143 call self%RPH_wDE%set_param_names( [
'EFTw3'], [
'w_3'] )
145 write(*,
'No model corresponding to RPH_wDE =', self%RPHwDE
146 write(*,
'Please select an appropriate model.' 149 if (
allocated(self%RPH_PlanckMass) )
150 select case ( self%RPHmassPmodel )
152 allocate( zero_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_PlanckMass )
154 allocate( constant_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_PlanckMass )
156 allocate( linear_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_PlanckMass )
158 allocate( power_law_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_PlanckMass )
159 call self%RPH_PlanckMass%set_param_names( [
'RPHmassP0 ',
'RPHmassPExp'], [
'\tilde{M}_0 ',
'\tilde{M}_{\rm exp}^{\rm RPH}'] )
161 allocate( exponential_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_PlanckMass )
162 call self%RPH_PlanckMass%set_param_names( [
'RPHmassP0 ',
'RPHmassPExp'], [
'\tilde{M}_0 ',
'\tilde{M}_{\rm exp}^{\rm RPH}'] )
164 write(*,
'No model corresponding to RPH_PlanckMass =', self%RPHmassPmodel
165 write(*,
'Please select an appropriate model.' 168 if (
allocated(self%RPH_Kineticity) )
169 select case ( self%RPHkineticitymodel )
171 allocate( zero_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Kineticity )
173 allocate( constant_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Kineticity )
175 allocate( linear_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Kineticity )
177 allocate( power_law_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Kineticity )
178 call self%RPH_Kineticity%set_param_names( [
'RPHkineticity0 ',
'RPHkineticityExp'], [
'\alpha_0^{\rm K} ',
'\alpha_{\rm exp}^{\rm K}'] )
180 allocate( exponential_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Kineticity )
181 call self%RPH_Kineticity%set_param_names( [
'RPHkineticity0 ',
'RPHkineticityExp'], [
'\alpha_0^{\rm K} ',
'\alpha_{\rm exp}^{\rm K}'] )
183 write(*,
'No model corresponding to RPH_Kineticity =', self%RPHkineticitymodel
184 write(*,
'Please select an appropriate model.' 187 if (
allocated(self%RPH_Braiding) )
188 select case ( self%RPHbraidingmodel )
190 allocate( zero_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Braiding )
192 allocate( constant_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Braiding )
194 allocate( linear_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Braiding )
196 allocate( power_law_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Braiding )
197 call self%RPH_Braiding%set_param_names( [
'RPHbraiding0 ',
'RPHbraidingExp'], [
'\alpha_0^{\rm B} ',
'\alpha_{\rm exp}^{\rm B}'] )
199 allocate( exponential_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Braiding )
200 call self%RPH_Braiding%set_param_names( [
'RPHbraiding0 ',
'RPHbraidingExp'], [
'\alpha_0^{\rm B} ',
'\alpha_{\rm exp}^{\rm B}'] )
202 write(*,
'No model corresponding to RPH_Braiding =', self%RPHbraidingmodel
203 write(*,
'Please select an appropriate model.' 206 if (
allocated(self%RPH_Tensor) )
207 select case ( self%RPHtensormodel )
209 allocate( zero_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Tensor )
211 allocate( constant_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Tensor )
213 allocate( linear_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Tensor )
215 allocate( power_law_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Tensor )
216 call self%RPH_Tensor%set_param_names( [
'RPHtensor0 ',
'RPHtensorExp'], [
'\alpha_0^{\rm T} ',
'\alpha_{\rm exp}^{\rm T}'] )
218 allocate( exponential_parametrization_1d::self%RPH_Tensor )
219 call self%RPH_Tensor%set_param_names( [
'RPHtensor0 ',
'RPHtensorExp'], [
'\alpha_0^{\rm T} ',
'\alpha_{\rm exp}^{\rm T}'] )
221 write(*,
'No model corresponding to RPH_Tensor =', self%RPHtensormodel
222 write(*,
'Please select an appropriate model.' 226 call self%RPH_wDE%set_name (
'RPHw' ,
'w' )
227 call self%RPH_PlanckMass%set_name (
'RPHmassP' ,
'\tilde{M}' )
228 call self%RPH_Kineticity%set_name (
'\alpha^{\rm K}' )
229 call self%RPH_Braiding%set_name (
'RPHbraiding' ,
'\alpha^{\rm B}' )
230 call self%RPH_Tensor%set_name (
'RPHtensor' ,
'\alpha^{\rm T}' )
232 end subroutine eftcambrphallocatemodelselection
236 subroutine eftcambrphinitmodelparameters( self, array )
240 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
241 real(dl),
intent(in) :: array
243 real(dl),
dimension(:) :: temp
244 integer :: num_params_function, num_params_temp, i
249 num_params_function = self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
250 allocate( temp(num_params_function) )
251 do i = 1, num_params_function
252 temp(i) = array(num_params_temp)
253 num_params_temp = num_params_temp +1
255 call self%RPH_wDE%init_parameters(temp)
258 num_params_function = self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
259 allocate( temp(num_params_function) )
260 do i = 1, num_params_function
261 temp(i) = array(num_params_temp)
262 num_params_temp = num_params_temp +1
264 call self%RPH_PlanckMass%init_parameters(temp)
267 num_params_function = self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
268 allocate( temp(num_params_function) )
269 do i = 1, num_params_function
270 temp(i) = array(num_params_temp)
271 num_params_temp = num_params_temp +1
273 call self%RPH_Kineticity%init_parameters(temp)
276 num_params_function = self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
277 allocate( temp(num_params_function) )
278 do i = 1, num_params_function
279 temp(i) = array(num_params_temp)
280 num_params_temp = num_params_temp +1
282 call self%RPH_Braiding%init_parameters(temp)
285 num_params_function = self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
286 allocate( temp(num_params_function) )
287 do i = 1, num_params_function
288 temp(i) = array(num_params_temp)
289 num_params_temp = num_params_temp +1
291 call self%RPH_Tensor%init_parameters(temp)
295 if ( num_params_temp-1 /= self%parameter_number )
then 296 write(*,*)
'In EFTCAMBRPHInitModelParameters:' 297 write(*,*)
'Length of num_params_temp and self%parameter_number do not coincide.' 298 write(*,*)
'num_params_temp:', num_params_temp-1
299 write(*,*)
'self%parameter_number:', self%parameter_number
300 call mpistop(
'EFTCAMB error')
303 end subroutine eftcambrphinitmodelparameters
307 subroutine eftcambrphinitmodelparametersfromfile( self, Ini )
311 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
312 type(tinifile) :: ini
314 call self%RPH_wDE%init_from_file( ini )
315 call self%RPH_PlanckMass%init_from_file( ini )
316 call self%RPH_Kineticity%init_from_file( ini )
317 call self%RPH_Braiding%init_from_file( ini )
318 call self%RPH_Tensor%init_from_file( ini )
320 end subroutine eftcambrphinitmodelparametersfromfile
324 subroutine eftcambrphcomputeparametersnumber( self )
328 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
330 self%parameter_number = 0
331 self%parameter_number = self%parameter_number +self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
332 self%parameter_number = self%parameter_number +self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
333 self%parameter_number = self%parameter_number +self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
334 self%parameter_number = self%parameter_number +self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
335 self%parameter_number = self%parameter_number +self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
337 end subroutine eftcambrphcomputeparametersnumber
341 subroutine eftcambrphfeedback( self, print_params )
345 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
346 logical,
optional :: print_params
351 write(*,
' Model = ', self%name
352 write(*,
' Number of params =' , self%parameter_number
356 if ( self%RPHwDE /= 0 )
' RPHwDE =', self%RPHwDE
357 if ( self%RPHmassPmodel /= 0 )
' RPHmassPmodel =', self%RPHmassPmodel
358 if ( self%RPHkineticitymodel /= 0 )
' RPHkineticitymodel =', self%RPHkineticitymodel
359 if ( self%RPHbraidingmodel /= 0 )
' RPHbraidingmodel =', self%RPHbraidingmodel
360 if ( self%RPHtensormodel /= 0 )
' RPHtensormodel =', self%RPHtensormodel
364 call self%RPH_wDE%feedback ( print_params )
365 call self%RPH_PlanckMass%feedback ( print_params )
366 call self%RPH_Kineticity%feedback ( print_params )
367 call self%RPH_Braiding%feedback ( print_params )
368 call self%RPH_Tensor%feedback ( print_params )
370 end subroutine eftcambrphfeedback
374 subroutine eftcambrphparameternames( self, i, name )
378 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
379 integer ,
intent(in) :: i
380 character(*),
intent(out) :: name
382 integer :: nw, nm, nk, nb, nt
386 nw = self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
387 nm = nw + self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
388 nk = nm + self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
389 nb = nk + self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
390 nt = nb + self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
393 if ( i > self%parameter_number .or. i <= 0 )
then 394 write(*,
'No parameter corresponding to: ', i
395 write(*,
'Total number of parameters is: ', self%parameter_number
396 call mpistop(
'EFTCAMB error')
399 else if ( i <= nw )
then 400 do j = 1, self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
401 if ( i == j )
call self%RPH_wDE%parameter_names( j, name )
406 else if ( i <= nm )
then 407 do j = 1, self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
408 if ( i-nw == j )
call self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_names( j, name )
413 else if ( i <= nk)
then 414 do j = 1, self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
415 if ( i-nm == j )
call self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_names( j, name )
420 else if ( i <= nb )
then 421 do j = 1, self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
422 if ( i-nk == j )
call self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_names( j, name )
427 else if ( i <= nt )
then 429 do j = 1, self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
430 if ( i-nb == j )
call self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_names( j, name )
436 end subroutine eftcambrphparameternames
440 subroutine eftcambrphparameternameslatex( self, i, latexname )
444 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
445 integer ,
intent(in) :: i
446 character(*),
intent(out) :: latexname
448 integer :: nw, nm, nk, nb, nt
452 nw = self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
453 nm = nw + self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
454 nk = nm + self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
455 nb = nk + self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
456 nt = nb + self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
459 if ( i > self%parameter_number .or. i <= 0 )
then 460 write(*,
'No parameter corresponding to: ', i
461 write(*,
'Total number of parameters is: ', self%parameter_number
462 call mpistop(
'EFTCAMB error')
465 else if ( i <= nw )
then 466 do j = 1, self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
467 if ( i == j )
call self%RPH_wDE%parameter_names_latex( j, latexname )
472 else if ( i <= nm )
then 473 do j = 1, self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
474 if ( i-nw == j )
call self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_names_latex( j, latexname )
479 else if ( i <= nk)
then 480 do j = 1, self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
481 if ( i-nm == j )
call self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_names_latex( j, latexname )
486 else if ( i <= nb )
then 487 do j = 1, self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
488 if ( i-nk == j )
call self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_names_latex( j, latexname )
493 else if ( i <= nt )
then 495 do j = 1, self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
496 if ( i-nb == j )
call self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_names_latex( j, latexname )
502 end subroutine eftcambrphparameternameslatex
506 subroutine eftcambrphparametervalues( self, i, value )
510 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
511 integer ,
intent(in) :: i
512 real(dl),
intent(out) ::
value 514 integer :: nw, nm, nk, nb, nt
518 nw = self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
519 nm = nw + self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
520 nk = nm + self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
521 nb = nk + self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
522 nt = nb + self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
525 if ( i > self%parameter_number .or. i <= 0 )
then 526 write(*,
'No parameter corresponding to: ', i
527 write(*,
'Total number of parameters is: ', self%parameter_number
528 call mpistop(
'EFTCAMB error')
531 else if ( i <= nw )
then 532 do j = 1, self%RPH_wDE%parameter_number
533 if ( i == j )
call self%RPH_wDE%parameter_value( j,
value )
538 else if ( i <= nm )
then 539 do j = 1, self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_number
540 if ( i-nw == j )
call self%RPH_PlanckMass%parameter_value( j,
value )
545 else if ( i <= nk)
then 546 do j = 1, self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_number
547 if ( i-nm == j )
call self%RPH_Kineticity%parameter_value( j,
value )
552 else if ( i <= nb )
then 553 do j = 1, self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_number
554 if ( i-nk == j )
call self%RPH_Braiding%parameter_value( j,
value )
559 else if ( i <= nt )
then 561 do j = 1, self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_number
562 if ( i-nb == j )
call self%RPH_Tensor%parameter_value( j,
value )
568 end subroutine eftcambrphparametervalues
572 subroutine eftcambrphbackgroundeftfunctions( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
576 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
577 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
578 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
579 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
581 real(dl) :: rph_pm_v, rph_at_v, rph_pm_p, rph_at_p, rph_pm_pp, rph_at_pp, rph_pm_ppp, rph_at_ppp
584 rph_pm_v = self%RPH_PlanckMass%value(a)
585 rph_at_v = self%RPH_Tensor%value(a)
586 rph_pm_p = self%RPH_PlanckMass%first_derivative(a)
587 rph_at_p = self%RPH_Tensor%first_derivative(a)
588 rph_pm_pp = self%RPH_PlanckMass%second_derivative(a)
589 rph_at_pp = self%RPH_Tensor%second_derivative(a)
590 rph_pm_ppp = self%RPH_PlanckMass%third_derivative(a)
591 rph_at_ppp = self%RPH_Tensor%third_derivative(a)
593 eft_cache%EFTOmegaV = rph_pm_v +rph_at_v*(1._dl +rph_pm_v)
594 eft_cache%EFTOmegaP = rph_pm_v*rph_at_p +(1._dl +rph_at_v)*rph_pm_p
595 eft_cache%EFTOmegaPP = rph_pm_v*rph_at_pp +2._dl*rph_pm_p*rph_at_p +(1._dl +rph_at_v)*rph_pm_pp
596 eft_cache%EFTOmegaPPP = rph_pm_v*rph_at_ppp +3._dl*rph_pm_pp*rph_at_p +3._dl*rph_pm_p*rph_at_pp &
597 & +(1._dl +rph_at_v)*rph_pm_ppp
598 eft_cache%EFTc = ( eft_cache%adotoa**2 - eft_cache%Hdot )*( eft_cache%EFTOmegaV + 0.5_dl*a*eft_cache%EFTOmegaP ) &
599 & -0.5_dl*( a*eft_cache%adotoa )**2*eft_cache%EFTOmegaPP&
600 & +0.5_dl*eft_cache%grhov_t*( 1._dl+ self%RPH_wDE%value(a) )
601 eft_cache%EFTLambda = -eft_cache%EFTOmegaV*( 2._dl*eft_cache%Hdot +eft_cache%adotoa**2 ) &
602 & -a*eft_cache%EFTOmegaP*( 2._dl*eft_cache%adotoa**2 + eft_cache%Hdot ) &
603 & -( a*eft_cache%adotoa )**2*eft_cache%EFTOmegaPP &
604 & +self%RPH_wDE%value(a)*eft_cache%grhov_t
605 eft_cache%EFTcdot = +0.5_dl*eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%grhov_t*( -3._dl*(1._dl +self%RPH_wDE%value(a))**2 + a*self%RPH_wDE%first_derivative(a) ) &
606 & -eft_cache%EFTOmegaV*( eft_cache%Hdotdot -4._dl*eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%Hdot +2._dl*eft_cache%adotoa**3 ) &
607 & +0.5_dl*a*eft_cache%EFTOmegaP*( -eft_cache%Hdotdot +eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%Hdot +eft_cache%adotoa**3) &
608 & +0.5_dl*a**2*eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%EFTOmegaPP*( eft_cache%adotoa**2 -3._dl*eft_cache%Hdot ) &
609 & -0.5_dl*(a*eft_cache%adotoa)**3*eft_cache%EFTOmegaPPP
610 eft_cache%EFTLambdadot = -2._dl*eft_cache%EFTOmegaV*( eft_cache%Hdotdot -eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%Hdot -eft_cache%adotoa**3 ) &
611 & -a*eft_cache%EFTOmegaP*( +eft_cache%Hdotdot +5._dl*eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%Hdot -eft_cache%adotoa**3 ) &
612 & -a**2*eft_cache%EFTOmegaPP*eft_cache%adotoa*( +2._dl*eft_cache%adotoa**2 +3._dl*eft_cache%Hdot )&
613 & -(a*eft_cache%adotoa)**3*eft_cache%EFTOmegaPPP &
614 & +eft_cache%grhov_t*eft_cache%adotoa*( a*self%RPH_wDE%first_derivative(a) -3._dl*self%RPH_wDE%value(a)*(1._dl +self%RPH_wDE%value(a) ))
616 end subroutine eftcambrphbackgroundeftfunctions
620 subroutine eftcambrphsecondordereftfunctions( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
624 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
625 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
626 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
627 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
629 real(dl) :: rph_pm_v, rph_at_v, rph_ak_v, rph_ab_v, rph_pm_p, rph_at_p, rph_ak_p, rph_ab_p
630 real(dl) :: rph_pm_pp, rph_at_pp
633 rph_pm_v = self%RPH_PlanckMass%value(a)
634 rph_at_v = self%RPH_Tensor%value(a)
635 rph_ak_v = self%RPH_Kineticity%value(a)
636 rph_ab_v = self%RPH_Braiding%value(a)
637 rph_pm_p = self%RPH_PlanckMass%first_derivative(a)
638 rph_at_p = self%RPH_Tensor%first_derivative(a)
639 rph_ak_p = self%RPH_Kineticity%first_derivative(a)
640 rph_ab_p = self%RPH_Braiding%first_derivative(a)
641 rph_pm_pp = self%RPH_PlanckMass%second_derivative(a)
642 rph_at_pp = self%RPH_Tensor%second_derivative(a)
644 eft_cache%EFTGamma1V = 0.25_dl*( rph_ak_v*(1._dl +rph_pm_v)*eft_cache%adotoa**2 &
645 & -2._dl*eft_cache%EFTc )/(eft_par_cache%h0_Mpc**2*a**2)
646 eft_cache%EFTGamma1P = - 0.5_dl*( rph_ak_v*(1._dl +rph_pm_v)*eft_cache%adotoa**2 &
647 & -2._dl*eft_cache%EFTc )/(eft_par_cache%h0_Mpc**2*a**3) &
648 & +0.25_dl*( rph_ak_p*(1._dl +rph_pm_v)*eft_cache%adotoa**2 &
649 & +rph_ak_v*rph_pm_p*eft_cache%adotoa**2 &
650 & +2._dl*rph_ak_v*(1._dl +rph_pm_v)*eft_cache%Hdot/a &
651 & -4._dl*eft_cache%EFTc -2._dl*eft_cache%EFTcdot/a/eft_cache%adotoa )/(eft_par_cache%h0_Mpc**2*a**2)
652 eft_cache%EFTGamma2V = ( +2._dl*rph_ab_v*(1._dl +rph_pm_v) &
653 & -a*eft_cache%EFTOmegaP )*eft_cache%adotoa/(eft_par_cache%h0_Mpc*a)
654 eft_cache%EFTGamma2P = -0.5_dl*( +2._dl*rph_ab_v*(1._dl +rph_pm_v) &
655 & -a*eft_cache%EFTOmegaP )*eft_cache%adotoa/(eft_par_cache%h0_Mpc*a) &
656 & -( -2._dl*(1._dl +rph_pm_v)*( rph_ab_p*eft_cache%adotoa**2 &
657 & + rph_ab_v*eft_cache%Hdot/a) &
658 & - 2._dl*rph_ab_v*eft_cache%adotoa**2*rph_pm_p &
659 & + eft_cache%EFTOmegaP*( eft_cache%adotoa**2 +eft_cache%Hdot ) &
660 & + a*eft_cache%adotoa**2*eft_cache%EFTOmegaPP )/(eft_par_cache%h0_Mpc*a*eft_cache%adotoa)
661 eft_cache%EFTGamma3V = -rph_at_v*(1._dl +rph_pm_v)
662 eft_cache%EFTGamma3P = -rph_pm_p*rph_at_v -(1._dl +rph_pm_v)*rph_at_p
663 eft_cache%EFTGamma4V = -eft_cache%EFTGamma3V
664 eft_cache%EFTGamma4P = -eft_cache%EFTGamma3P
665 eft_cache%EFTGamma4PP = +(1._dl +rph_pm_v)*rph_at_pp +rph_pm_pp*rph_at_v &
666 & +2._dl*rph_pm_p*rph_at_p
667 eft_cache%EFTGamma5V = +0.5_dl*eft_cache%EFTGamma3V
668 eft_cache%EFTGamma5P = +0.5_dl*eft_cache%EFTGamma3P
669 eft_cache%EFTGamma6V = 0._dl
670 eft_cache%EFTGamma6P = 0._dl
672 end subroutine eftcambrphsecondordereftfunctions
677 function eftcambrphcomputedtauda( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
681 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
682 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
683 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
684 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
686 real(dl) :: eftcambrphcomputedtauda
690 temp = eft_cache%grhoa2 +eft_par_cache%grhov*a*a*self%RPH_wDE%integral(a)
691 eftcambrphcomputedtauda = sqrt(3/temp)
693 end function eftcambrphcomputedtauda
697 subroutine eftcambrphcomputeadotoa( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
701 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
702 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
703 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
704 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
706 eft_cache%grhov_t = eft_par_cache%grhov*self%RPH_wDE%integral(a)
707 eft_cache%adotoa = sqrt( ( eft_cache%grhom_t +eft_cache%grhov_t )/3._dl )
709 end subroutine eftcambrphcomputeadotoa
713 subroutine eftcambrphcomputehubbleder( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
717 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
718 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
719 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
720 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
722 eft_cache%gpiv_t = self%RPH_wDE%value(a)*eft_cache%grhov_t
723 eft_cache%Hdot = -0.5_dl*( eft_cache%adotoa**2 +eft_cache%gpresm_t +eft_cache%gpiv_t )
724 eft_cache%Hdotdot = eft_cache%adotoa*( ( eft_cache%grhob_t +eft_cache%grhoc_t)/6._dl +2._dl*( eft_cache%grhor_t +eft_cache%grhog_t)/3._dl ) &
725 & +eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%grhov_t*( 1._dl/6._dl +self%RPH_wDE%value(a) +1.5_dl*self%RPH_wDE%value(a)**2 -0.5_dl*a*self%RPH_wDE%first_derivative(a) ) &
726 & +eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%grhonu_tot/6._dl -0.5_dl*eft_cache%adotoa*eft_cache%gpinu_tot -0.5_dl*eft_cache%gpinudot_tot
728 end subroutine eftcambrphcomputehubbleder
732 function eftcambrphadditionalmodelstability( self, a, eft_par_cache, eft_cache )
736 class(eftcamb_rph) :: self
737 real(dl),
intent(in) :: a
738 type(eftcamb_parameter_cache),
intent(inout) :: eft_par_cache
739 type(eftcamb_timestep_cache ),
intent(inout) :: eft_cache
741 logical :: eftcambrphadditionalmodelstability
743 eftcambrphadditionalmodelstability = .true.
744 if ( self%RPH_wDE%value(a) > -1._dl/3._dl ) eftcambrphadditionalmodelstability = .false.
746 end function eftcambrphadditionalmodelstability
This module contains the definition of the constant parametrization, inheriting from parametrized_fun...
This module contains the definition of the Taylor expansion parametrization, around a=0...
This module contains the definition of the EFTCAMB caches. These are used to store parameters that ca...
This module contains the definition of the linear parametrization, inheriting from parametrized_funct...
This module contains the definition of the turning point parametrization, inheriting from parametrize...
This module contains the abstract definition of all the places where EFTCAMB interacts with CAMB in c...
This module contains the definition of the CPL parametrization, inheriting from parametrized_function...
This module contains the definition of the power law parametrization, inheriting from parametrized_fu...
This module contains the definition of neutral parametrizations that can be used when parametrized fu...
This module contains the definitions of all the EFTCAMB compile time flags.
This module contains the definition of the generalized Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan (JBP) parametrization...
This module contains the definition of the exponential parametrization, inheriting from parametrized_...
This module contains the definition of an EFT reparametrization of Horndeski models. This is described by four functions of time and w_DE. Please refer to the numerical notes for details.
This module contains the abstract class for generic parametrizations for 1D functions that are used b...